More on “The Muckraker”

Christian is the name of the Pilgrim in “The Pilgrim’s Progress.” But there would be another pilgrim, Christian’s wife Christiani. It is she who comes across the Muckraker.” See the picture below.

“This done and after these things had been somewhat digested by Christiana and her company, the Interpreter takes them apart again, and has them first into a Room where was a Man that could look no way but downwards, with a Muck – rake in his hand.

There stood also one over his head with a Coelestial Crown in his hand, and proffered him that Crown for his Muck-rake; but the man did neither look up, nor regard, but raked to himself the straws, the small sticks and dust of the floor.

“Then said Christiana, I persuade myself that I know something of the meaning of this; for this is a figure of a Man of this World, is it not, good Sir?

“Inter. Thou hast said the right said he, and his Muck-rake doth shew his carnal mind. And whereas thou seest him rather give heed to rake up straws and sticks and the dust of the floor, than to what he says that calls to him from above with the Coelestial Crown in his hand, it is to shew that Heaven is but as a fable to some, and that things here are counted the only things substantial.

Now whereas it was also shewed thee that the man could look no way but downwards, it is to let thee know that earthly things when they are with power upon men’s minds, quite carry their hearts away from God.

“Chris. Then said Christiana, O deliver me from this Muck-rake.”

“The Pilgrim’s Progress”

If you have not read the complete “Pilgrim’s Progress” by John Bunyan, I highly recommend you do so. I further recommend that you buy the version (well worth the extra cost) with quality paper (old fashioned magazine quality) illustrations. Here is one which is the basis of the word “muckraker” that Teddy Roosevelt used to good effect. To his credit, the well-read Roosevelt credited Bunyan.

Patrick’s Prayer

Over 1600 years ago a young shepherd was taken from England and forced to work in Ireland. He was able to escape and go back home. But God called him back to the island of his servitude.

The man we have come to know as St. Patrick brought Christianity to the entire island. It was not easy. But he persevered with God’s help.

March 17th is St. Patrick’s Day. May you be blessed by this prayer attributed to him.

“Christ be with me, Christ within me
Christ behind me, Christ before me
Christ beside me, Christ to win me
Christ to comfort me and restore me.
Christ beneath me, Christ above me
Christ in quiet, Christ in danger
Christ in hearts of all that love me
Christ in mouth of friend or stranger.”

The Prayer of Francis

Years ago I saw the movie “Brother Sun, Sister Moon.” It introduced me to the life of the man who has come to be known as St. Francis of Assisi. After the movie, I was moved to research this remarkable man. He is one of the giants of Church History.

Here is a prayer by him that fits our time.

“Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.
O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.”

Ukraine and the Sunflower

Image courtesy of

“Sunflowers (sunyashniki) are especially loved in Ukraine, where golden fields of them face the sunrise in the east. They are Ukraine’s national flower, and in folk imagery represent the warmth and power of the sun.” Wreaths of sunflowers (venki) are sometimes worn.

“Just War”

In a previous post I mentioned that Augustine of Hippo developed a just war theory. Here is a summary of his just war theory. This information is drawn from

A “just reason for going to war may be defending the innocent from attacks, the punishment of a perceived evil, and the recovery of kidnapped persons or stolen property.”

I believe that the country of Ukraine fits each of those categories.


In my previous post I wrote, Here is how the King James Version translates James 4:1&2–“Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members? You lust and do not have. You murder and covet and cannot obtain. You fight and war.” Here’s how the Message Bible puts it: “  Where do you think all these appalling wars and quarrels come from? Do you think they just happen? Think again. They come about because you want your own way, and fight for it deep inside yourselves. You lust for what you don’t have and are willing to kill to get it. You want what isn’t yours and will risk violence to get your hands on it.”

In the Bible, the first coveting led to the first murder that led to the first family feud, or war. In Genesis 4:1-16, Cain killed his brother Abel. And wars have been with us through the years. Jesus spoke about “wars and rumors of wars.”

Arguably the greatest Christian theologian of all time, Augustine, developed the theory of the “Just War.”

Perhaps the most agonizing war to God is a “Civil War,” which is anything but civil but when brother fights against brother or, in America’s case state against state–though some actual nuclear families were split by that conflict.

My missionary biography interest over the past 13 years (shameless plug because the book was published last year), Titus Coan wrote and lived this phrase: “If ever I became a disciple of Christ, I then became a peace man.” (Advocate of Peace, January 1873) His completely pacifist Quaker friends, the Beans, disagreed with Coan on his view of the War of Rebellion, as he called the Civil War.

Coan wrote to the Beans in August of 1865 “that they may ‘honestly differ’ on various subjects and still maintain their Christian friendship.” (page 378 in Titus Coan biography) Though Coan supported the Union cause, he wrote of war as a demon. In 1862 he wrote in The Advocate of Peace,The demon of war is unchained, and his foot-prints are marked with ‘tears and ashes and blood.'” (379, Coan biography)

Coan laid out the origin of the Civil War and indicated that pastors in both sections of the country were at fault. “Here was the calamity now upon our country. Had the professed Christians of the United States, North and South, taken this stand twenty, or ten, or even five years ago, this awful war would, in my humble opnion never have rolled its waves of fiery ruin over the land. The true spirit which rises in intelligent opposition to war, involves in it the elements of opposition to all the causes of war. It is the spirit which “deals justly, loves mercy, and walks humbly with God [Micah 6:8]. Ministers and disciples of “the Prince of Peace” [Isaiah 9:6] should have this spirit and they should have it in full and glowing action.”

And so we come to Putin’s war against Ukraine. He wants what he does not have. It is a sort of Civil War, because many Ukrainians and Russians are “cousins” and even closer in some cases.

Last July Putin wrote about what he wanted to do. Then we started hearing rumors or wars. This is an unprovoked, unjust war, started by one man. Seldom in the annals of history has there been such consensus (See the United Nations Security Council and General Assembly votes and unity (see NATO and the United States.

Glory to God. Glory to Ukraine.


Here is how the King James Version translates James 4:1&2–“1Where do [a]wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members? 2You lust and do not have. You murder and covet and cannot obtain. You fight and [b]war.” Here’s how the Message Bible puts it: “ 1-2 Where do you think all these appalling wars and quarrels come from? Do you think they just happen? Think again. They come about because you want your own way, and fight for it deep inside yourselves. You lust for what you don’t have and are willing to kill to get it. You want what isn’t yours and will risk violence to get your hands on it.”

Vladimir Putin wants what he doesn’t have. He wants his own way. He is engaging in horrific violence and is certainly indiscriminately killing to try to get his hands on the sovereign country of Ukraine. Putin is a war criminal and has ordered his troops to engage in crimes against humanity.

I am running out of adjectives to describe how evil the acts have been, such as sending a missile into a block of apartments making it look worse than the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. If that were in the U.S., that would focus the non-stop press coverage of the 150 people trapped in the rubble. Or, the firing upon Europe’s largest nuclear power plant coming very close to hitting one of the six towers. Then to put bombs around that plant, thus holding Ukraine, all of Europe and the world hostage.

There is an internal humanitarian crisis with many people without heat and running water during Winter. More are hunkering down in bomb shelters in the capitol of Kiev and other locations.

And externally, there are at least 1.5 million refugees in the countries surrounding Ukraine. Those countries (except Russia) have been magnificent, especially Poland. At least 500,000 of the refugees are children.

Non Governmental organizations are helping out. Samaritans’ Purse has a Tier 2 hospital on the Polish side of the border and is providing food, as well as hard plastic to replace blown out windows. An American pastor with a Ukranian wife and young daughter in tears was able to leave by train a few days ago from an embattled eastern city. I believe they did the right thing.

Ukrainian Christians are singing hymns in the subway. Youth for Christ staffers are either staying in country or helping others to evacuate.

What can you do? Pray. If you wish, you may donate to the organization of your choice. I recommend one that will pass through the money quickly and is already there, such as Samaritans’ Purse.

Glory to God. Glory to Ukraine.

“The Chosen: No Spoilers!”

The following is the message outline I gave in January about “The Chosen.” For those who have not yet seen it, there are no spoilers. For those who have seen part or all of it, you will know what I’m talking about!


Isaiah 43:1; Matthew 5:3-10


            *Frankie’s Place—Beer and Wine

                        10 am Sundays

                        “Winebibber”—Matthew 11:19

                        Where Jesus would go on Sunday mornings

            *What the two series are about: biblically-based yet creative development

                        of the characters of Jesus, disciples, religious leaders, Romans,

                        and others.  [See the back of the bulletin.]

            *Connects the dots in many ways that Bible-readers have not thought of.

  • One with high-functioning autism
  • Another with fear—Isaiah 43:1
  • Nicodemus—including John 3.
  • Jesus has a sense of humor (see Elton Trueblood, The Humor of Christ)

Matthew 7:1-5; 23:24 


Good Samaritan—Luke 10:25-37.  Bailey on narrowness of Jericho road.

Sermon on the Mount

                        /How Jesus organizes it

                        /Beatitudes—Matthew 5:3-12.  Jesus sees faces of followers in mind’s eye.

            Insight into two “Blessed are you when you are persecuted.”

  • Backsliding—mercy shown.  Maria at Welk.
  • Woman at the well—John 4
  • Jesus accepts us where we are; but He loves us too much to leave us there.
  • Christian=Christ one/little Christ.  Acts 11:26
  • Many are called, but few are chosen.  The invitation is universal
  • God has called you, chosen you, sanctified you, justified you


Jessie and Frankie told about “The Chosen”

Where does Jesus want you to be?

His is calling and sending you to your family, your neighbors, your community,

            And the world, to let them know that

Jesus saves!


“The Chosen is based on the true stories of the gospels of Jesus Christ. Some locations and timelines have been combined or condensed. Backstories and some characters or dialogue have been added.

However, all biblical and historical context and any artistic imagination are designed to support the truth and intention of the Scriptures. Viewers are encouraged to read the gospels.

The original names, locations and phrases have been transliterated into English for anything spoken.”