Recently I was thinking about patience. A couple friends were delayed getting into another country. They texted they were learning patience.
I have had three delays for a procedure this year. Will it happen in September? We’ll see.
This morning I was looking forward to posting several blogs after a few week delay due to other valid demands on my time. Then I received an important phone call. I got to my office and wound up needing to work on a phone matter for a family member. That took me an hour and a half or so. The two company representatives were friendly and did a great job and I was glad to do it, but it was more delay.
Then I tried to get into the admin part of this site to start catching up on my blog posts. Buy I couldn’t get in. What I had for user name and password didn’t work the two times I tried it.
Give me patience, and give it to me now!
When I got back from a couple hours in Bakersfield, I tried again. Definition of insanity. I had one try left for today. I checked another area and discovered that my user id was different than I thought.
So I got in on the last chance for the day! Here I am! Not very patient. Francis of Assissi said, “Show me how much patience a man has when others are doing the exact opposite of what he wants–he has that much patience and no more!”
And then there is the fruit of the Spirit. It is like a bunch of grapes. The bunch is singular but there are different grapes on it. That is why the Apostle Paul talks about the fruit of the Spirit– the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” Galatians 5:22-23