Having a Regular Quiet Time

Today I prepared a brief guide on how to have a regular Quiet Time. I share it with you now. I hope it will be a blessing to some. If you want to interact with me about it, you may email me, message me at my facebook page, or leave a message on the church phone 661-792-2232.


Or, How to Have a Regular “Quiet Time” with God

What is a regular Quiet Time?

The phrase “quiet time” simply refers to spending a focused period of time in the presence of God—reading the Bible, praying, and perhaps keeping a journal.

How long is a quiet time?

It can be 5 minutes.  It can be 50 minutes.  The point is that you are focusing on getting to know God better.

When is a good time to have quiet time?

Any time.  Whatever is best for you.  Some people like to have it first thing in the morning.  Some during the day.  Some before bed.  Some have “three meals” of God’s “bread,” the Bible a day.

Where is a good place to have a quiet time?

Again, whatever works best for you.  It can be your bed room.  It can be in a food court at a mall!  Wherever  you can be without the distractions of phone (as much as possible), social media, etc.

What are the tools for a quiet time?

A minimum of two:  the Bible and prayer.  A third possible one is a journal where you write down your thoughts, your prayers, your questions, etc. 

What do I read in the Bible?

You may talk with Pastor Phil about this, but here are some suggestions:  read one chapter of a Gospel a day; 5 Psalms and one chapter in Proverbs a day; 1 chapter a day of Paul’s letters, starting in Romans.

What questions do I ask of the text when I read it?

After asking the Holy Spirit to open the eyes of your heart (Ephesians 1), you can ask questions like this:  what do I learn about God in this passage?  What do I learn about others?  What do I learn about myself.  Or, in this way—Is there anything here that leads me to praise God? To confess sin? To act on in my life and with others?

What is the purpose of a Quiet Time?

To know God and make Him known.

Here is a key verse:  “let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the LORD.”  Jeremiah 9:24, English Standard Version.