The Bible–comprised of the Old and New Testaments–is the only inspired written word of God. Christians do not worship the Bible, but they recognize the dual authorship of each book–human and Holy Spirit. Further, the Holy Spirit within someone brings the written word alive and provides the power to obey that written word.
It has been rightly said that seven days without reading the Bible makes one weak! I encourage you to read the Bible on a regular basis. First you need to have a readable Bible and one that is a study Bible to help you when you are between your weekly Bible study groups (highly recommended).
The English Standard version is very good and has an excellent study Bible. The Message Bible is good for devotional reading, but not for individual or group study (because you do not have each verse to refer to).
There are different plans to study the Bible. There is through the Bible in one year. If you read one chapter of a Gospel a day you will finish it in less than a day. If you read 5 Psalms (except the very long acrostic Psalm 119) and 1 chapter of Proverbs a day you will finish them in a month.
As far as the Gospel reading goes, you could begin with Mark or John. Or, if you like genealogies, start with Matthew! And if you want to read the Gospel careful researched and written by a physician, you may read Dr. Luke’s Gospel!
Whatever the Bible. Whatever the study guide. Wherever you begin, I have just one word: “Start!”