Along with many other churches, the Church of the Living Savior is “purpose-driven” in nature. This is drawn from Rick Warren’s leadership through planting and growing Saddleback Church and through his books (such as “The Purpose Driven Church”–the how to, engineering side; and “The Purpose Driven Life”–the devotional, Christian walk side.”
But far more importantly, those purposes are based on Acts 2:42-47 where we find the early church living out those five purposes.
A few years ago, the Church of the Living Savior incorporated the five purposes into its “Daily Goals” (this wording is not original, but we are working to make it our own)
Magnify: We celebrate God’s presence in worship.
Mission: We communicate God’s Word through evangelism.
Membership: We incorporate God’s family into our fellowship.
Maturity: We educate God’s people through discipleship.
Ministry: We demonstrate God’s love through service.
The words on the far right are the original, biblical names of the purposes. The words on the far left are one of many ways of describing those purposes. In this case, they all being with an “m.”
Won’t you prayerfully incorporate these purposes in your life and through your church?