Recently I returned to a short Bible prayer that was very popular in 2000. It was an obscure Old Testament verse until Bruce Wilkinson wrote a book entitled “The Prayer of Jabez.” Since then, Karin and I and our daughters have prayed it out loud a lot together (we put it into the plural. I commend it to you for your use. I hope you do not just say it or say it over and over as if saying it is magic or by putting in a quarter prayer God will present you something big out of His non-existent machine. Instead, thoughtfully pray it. I sometimes pray it silently when I see someone I don’t even know. As you pray it, it is a way of praying the most dangerous two word prayer: “Use me!” “O that You would bless me indeed and enlarge my territory; that Your hand would be with me and that I would not cause pain.” The “O” is for intensity. 1 Chronicles 4:10. Read the preceding verse for context. May God enlarge your territory and use you mightily for His glory!