In my previous posts I have not wanted to give the impression that God turns around every difficult, challenging situation in this life. Heberws 11 makes that clear. The writer (whom I believe to be Apollos) starts out in Hebrews 11:32 through the first half of verse 35 by talking about great reversals. But then […]
Tag: Great Reversals
Jeremiah 15:10 and 11
Some more pretty intense verses from Jeremiah. Note the reversal. Alas, my mother, that you gave me birth, a man with whom the whole land strives and contends!I have neither lent nor borrowed, yet everyone curses me. 11 The Lord said, “Surely I will deliver you for a good purpose; surely I will make your enemies plead with you in times of disaster and times of […]
A Great Reversal in a Man’s Life
He was raised a faithful and loyal Jew. He went to the best schools. He had training in both Greek and Roman teachings and the teachings of the Hebrew Bible, what is now called the Old Testament. He had very good ancestral lines as a Jew. Hew was the best Pharisee there ever was. He […]
Another Great Reversal: “But God!”
What the great Welsh preacher D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones called “The Great Adversative,” the apostle Paul writes in Ephesians 2:4, “But… God.” Paul writes about God’s offer to reverse the curse, to reverse our eternal destination, because of His great love for us. Jesus on the cross has provided a “way of reconciliation,” which is the […]
The Ultimate Great Reversal: Jesus on the Cross
“He saved others. Why can’t he save himself?” That’s how some religious leaders mocked Jesus as He suffered and was dying on the cross. “Alas, and did my Savior bleed. And did my Savior die?” This was the worst thing in all of human history. The God-Man, who had never sinned, was dying. Falsely accused. […]
Esther’s Great Reversal
God uses ordinary people in extraordinary ways. One such person is a young Jewish woman named Hadassah. She was raised by her uncle Mordecai. When there became an opening for King Xerxes’ queen, Hadassah was selected as a candidate. She was given another name–Esther. In the meantime an evil man tricked Xerxes into signing a […]
“Moses and Israel’s Great Reversals”
Before Joseph’s great reversals helped reverse his life and the lives of many people in Egypt and the Holy Land. After Joseph came Moses. God brought about reversals in Moses’ life, but also in the life of the people of Israel. It was difficult on the people and Moses, but ultimately God delivered the enslaved […]
“Great Reversals”
Throughout history and perhaps in your life, there have been great great reversals. You feel like you are at a dead end. Your dream has died. Whatever it may be. Then–wham!–you experience a great reversal. God can do that, you know. Take Joseph in the book of Genesis, for instance. He asks for trouble by […]