Some of you reading these posts know that I am very close to publishing a biography of the missionary Titus Coan. It looks like Wipf and Stock will publish it in late September or early October. At that time you may buy it from the publisher or receive and inscribed copy by me. If you […]
Category: Pastor’s Blog
Titus Coan: “Peace Man”
Titus Coan once wrote words to the effect that “if I am a Christian then I am a peace man!” He was not always that way. He served in the New York militia and as a pre teen “played army” leading a group of friends in pretend military activities during the war of 1812. But […]
Titus Coan: Revivalist and Renaissance Man
Titus Coan was born Killingworth, Connecticut, in early 1801, a little before Thomas Jefferson became President. While in upstate New York in his early 30s he was deeply influenced by the Second Great Awakening under the ministry of Charles G. Finney. He signed on with the only American mission organization at the time–the American Board […]
“The Prayer of Jabez”
Recently I returned to a short Bible prayer that was very popular in 2000. It was an obscure Old Testament verse until Bruce Wilkinson wrote a book entitled “The Prayer of Jabez.” Since then, Karin and I and our daughters have prayed it out loud a lot together (we put it into the plural. I […]
“Lord, Make me an Instrument of Your Peace”
Have you heard of the prayer of St. Francis? This portion of it is used by Protestants and Catholics alike. I have used it during times of national or international stress. “Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is […]
The “Release and Receive” Prayer
Have you heard of the “release and receive” prayer? It is simple yet profound. You hold out one of your arms in front of you, palm down. You think of whatever is stressing you or challenging you and either to yourself or out loud you say, “Lord, I release this to you.” Then you turn […]
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Helping People through Tough Times
Recently I shared a message on the above theme. Here are the message notes for your consideration. First we need to BE PRESENT Job’s friends did something right, as we read about in Job 2:13. “No one said a word to him because they saw how great his suffering was.” Then they opened their mouths […]
The Five Purposes of the Church
Along with many other churches, the Church of the Living Savior is “purpose-driven” in nature. This is drawn from Rick Warren’s leadership through planting and growing Saddleback Church and through his books (such as “The Purpose Driven Church”–the how to, engineering side; and “The Purpose Driven Life”–the devotional, Christian walk side.” But far more importantly, […]